Friday, August 14, 2009

When things go wrong . . .

Well, the reason I haven't posted in a few days is that my computer has been acting funny and for a while I couldn't go anywhere or do anything. Not to mention the fact that a book fell onto my keyboard and busted the backspace key. Why couldn't it have been say, the Pause Break key, or any of those F keys (what are they for anyway?!) or even the goofy squiggly line key? Nope, it has to be a key I use ALL THE TIME - cause I make so many mistakes I spose. So, now if I want to backspace, which I do - right now - I have to push on this little rubber thing under the key because the key isn't there. Nice eh?

One little piece of advice while traveling, be sure things are battened things down in your RV before you take off down the road, or, you may just find that when you stop and open the door, a quart of honey has spilled all over your floor! Icky sticky. Try dealing with that after you've climbed through 3 mountain passes going 20 miles per hour on roads only wide enough for maybe big horned sheep and lizards -certainly not two way traffic, you pulling a travel trailer with semis coming at you the other way. Can you say 'STRESSFUL'?!

Oh, and I had bought this really great cast iron enameled baking dish that had just fit into the RV oven and I really liked it, but after we cooked in it, it cracked all the way through! Rats. So, I go to the store, buy a Pyrex dish to replace it, I bring it back to the RV and guess what? It doesn't fit - it's too big!

Is Murphy's law in effect here or what?! Enough already!!
But hey - our suburban is still running - so we Thank God for that!!!

Yesterday we went to Mesa Verde. It was so high up on the Mesa (table in Spanish, cause it looks flat just like a table top) that I wondered how in the world the ancient people even found their way up there. The houses were built in these alcoves under rocks on the side of the cliffs. Crazy. Since no one was there to know for sure, the guide filled us in on the theorys that abounded about these dwellings and the life of the people. It's interesting, but so hard to imagine. As we drove back down the Mesa, through these winding hair-pin turns, you could look down over the valley, and I couldn't help but wonder why in the world the people wouldn't have just settled down there, where farming would have been much easier, where there was better access to water and would be wildflife in abundance? I just can't figure it. The ranger/guide told us they thought it was because there was a threat from other tribes and this was their place of protection. I think I would have just moved elsewhere, rather than tried to scale down the side of a cliff to hide. But hey, that's their story, and they're sticking to it. But it was interesting to see anyway.

On the way out of the park, we saw a wolf on the side of the road. At least, we think it was a wolf. It could have been a coyote, but Gary didn't think so. But what was strange, was he just stood there in the road, and we drove right up next to him and he just stayed there. We talked to him and as the car rolled along, he followed! I bet the tourists had been feeding him, cause he was much too friendly. We wanted to get out and pet him, for he looked so sad and lonely, but of course we didn't.

One more thing, when you are in the valley and look up to the Mesa, it looks like it would be totally flat. And when you get up to the top and look over the entire Mesa area, you understand why they call it the green table (in English), for it looks like a giant flat table top across the land for miles. But in reality, it is very hilly much more rollie-pollie than it looks from a distance. But it is covered with these small juiper and evergreen trees and lots of yucca plants and scrub brush. Thus, the green in the name. It was yet another something different to behold I will tell you.

Well, today we'll rest, read, and relax. Tomorrow, we head out early (God willing) to the Grand Canyon. More of His awesome creation. It's been sensory overload on this trip!

Well, I have to go see if I can find someone who would like a brand new Pyrex baking dish . . . Have a great weekend everyone!
jill and all


  1. Great blog, nice to see the pics. Sorry about the computer mishap. What a wonderful adventure you are on.

    Why do I need to select a profile?
    I'll be anonomous to them but not you.


  2. Hi Mrs. Greek,

    You don't need to select a profile unless you want to. :) It's just convienient (sometimes) if you want others to see your Google profile (if you have one). Being anonymous is fine. :)

    Hope you are all doing well!
