Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's hot . . .

Sometimes it's good to take the advice of a guy, sitting in the top of a luxury houseboat, that duals as the local visitor's center next to the Walmart, who's sipping a beer out of a wine glass, in 90 degree heat, giving out tourist information and free t-shirts with his company logo on them and ice cream bars to all who enter. Crazy things we've seen. Anyway, he suggested we take the road between Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon to avoid the curvy-wurvy and vertical challenging roads. We took his advice, and we glad we did. Even thought we didn't see those two national landmarks, we just wanted to get through the area the quickest way possible. Because, we have now succumbed to the old addage, 'seen one national park/monument/forest/canyon - you've seen them all'. :) So, thanks Bill West of Lake Time shares - the houseboat was incredible by the way.

Well, we're in the land of the Mormons and you know - it's quiet nice here. Town surrounded by these tree-lined hills. Very clean. Easy to get around. And lots of very cool restaurants! It's very hot today - about 93 degrees and it's to get to 98 tomorrowand hotter the rest of the week. Whew. But it's the humidity - remember?!

Gary and India went to the library today - which is about as big as an average-sized town in South Dakota. It takes up an entire city block, has 5 stories just of books, and another story that includes a cafe, a nursery, and several little shops. Wow. No wonder it won 'Library of the Year'. You could get lost in there.

We are in a very nice, very new RV park now, and I have met several retired people from all over the country. It's funny - lots of them are looking for a different place to live and are just roaming around trying to find their perfect place. Some have sold their houses and bought this mansion on wheels for their home and they just go from place to place. And they say there's a recession. I do wonder - is it just 'the grass is always greener' syndrome or do we just get in a rut and want a change? Whatever, this park is filled with them - um - us. :) Ahhh - we are 'one of THOSE people'?!

We tried to go to the visitor's center, but as they are putting new tar on the road in front of the park that provides the only access in and out, so we are stuck here until they get at least the one lane done. Good thing there is a nice pool, a basketball hoop, and a good-sized playground to hang out in. Hopefully we'll get out sometime this afternoon, as we wanted to check out the area a bit.

We are planning to take a dip in the Great Salt Lake on Friday. I'm hoping they have showers like I've heard they do at the Dead Sea in Israel. Otherwise we'll come out looking like Lot's wife - all covered in salt!! AAAHHH!

Anyway, that's it for today. Pretty boring - as there was no big mishaps to report, thank God. (but the day is still young . . .)
(And thanks for the comments, Lisa B. At least someone feels our pain!!) hahaha

jill and all

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